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October 29: The Charlie Daniels Band ~ The Devil Went Down to Georgia (live) AND The Devil Comes Back to Georgia

In 1979, when this song originally hit the radio, it was a major crossover hit, but more importantly, it was the soundtrack to my summer out west in 1979 and 1980. By then we’d settled down to a summer house just outside Garden City, Utah, with a fabulous (three and a half-mile distant) view of scenic Bear Lake, which straddles the state line between Utah and Idaho and is so close to Wyoming you can see it from the deck.

It was impossible to turn on a radio station (full service – Country AND Western – or Classic Rock) and not hear this song eventually.

Lyrics junkie that I am, I had the whole song memorized before the end of summer.

I’m not a Country music fan by general nature, but when it’s thrust upon me, as it was back then, some stuff just catches my attention. I will never know if it was the white hot sound of Daniels’ fiddle playing or the patter style of the song, but it hardly matters. How else do you beat the devil?

Two days and counting…

But wait. There’s more!

Published in10-October365videos