I’m in ticket reconciliation hell at the moment, so why not share my pain. With math? Oh, heck no. With this. Star Wars Week continues…
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I’m in ticket reconciliation hell at the moment, so why not share my pain. With math? Oh, heck no. With this. Star Wars Week continues…
Comments closedAnd I *still* haven’t seen Paul. Star Wars Week continues…
Comments closedIf you’ve been paying attention, you already know where this is going. HBO Short Takes end just as Star Wars week starts.
Comments closedYes, it’s THAT movie. Only it’s not. No, it’s a parody. In the days before viral video, this still managed to be a hit because HBO decided it was worth putting up (multiple times) between movies. Happy Saturday!
Comments closedThis one is in three parts. A rare bird, not seen often (enough). In the subtle adjustment from simple HBO Short Takes to legendary (?) video parody before College Humor and Comedy Channel were a thing. #ihatejosephconrad #heartofdarknessatemysoul
Comments closedI’m pretty sure this movie inspired a short story I wrote while still in high school about the pinball machine that ate America (or something like it). Not worth reproducing here, because it’s just not worth reading again. Mixing live action with animation, because live action takes a LOT less time to film. Also? Classic video games from the beginning of time.
Comments closedAnd now we move on to the creepiest entry in the HBO Short Takes category. “Recorded Live” still gives me goose bumps, and I know the film well.
Comments closedHappy Birthday YouTube!
A few more entries in the HBO Intermission Special/Short Takes before we launch into the big guys. Purely animated versions end today, though, with these. Inspired me to try animation myself, but I’m still looking for the footage (a whole 16 seconds’ worth.)
Bonus: How the Dinosaurs REALLY Died – HBO short, 1983
Originally seen on HBO in 1981, the classic film is ACTUALLY from 1966. How scary is that?
Comments closedThree (very, very) short films for your weekend pleasure:
Vintage HBO Intermission Special: A MINUTE OF MYSTERY (1980):
Vintage HBO Intermission Special: Autobahn (Kraftwerk):
From Bruno Bozzetto, ubiquitous in animation festivals and exceptionally funny.
I was sorry to see HBO’s Short Takes end in favor of “documentary” ads for upcoming features, but a lot of those have ended up as extras on DVD releases, so I can’t be too sorry.
1 CommentThe last of my “Claymation” entries from Will Vinton (at least for now).
Comments closedAnother Will Vinton classic. And a reminder that we ignore nature at our peril.
Comments closedThis special event brought to you by the 35th anniversary of my mother’s death. I owe a great deal to a mom I barely remember. Clearly, a large chunk of the books I own (mainly poetry but also theatre), my itch for dressing up and costume, and my copies of the Nutshell Library are all thanks to my mom.
Multiple Sclerosis sucks. If you have the opportunity to give to someone walking in the MS walks or MS Challenge Walk this fall, please do. MS robbed me of my mom, a woman who almost certainly would have come with me to Costume-Cons and maybe even SF cons, if she’d been alive and well. She would have been 79 last October. I am six years older than she was when she died.
Comments closedNo commentary on yesterday’s events.
I’m exploring independent film (animation or otherwise) through the end of April. In the early days of HBO, segments appeared between feature films, many of which were then relegated to animation “festivals.” Among the early adopters, Will Vinton, probably best known for the California Raisins, this is one of the creepier shorts featured. How do we view art, and what is reality, anyway?
Comments closedYes, it’s Tax Day for the rest of you, but for a very select few, it’s the 3rd anniversary of the day my dad, Lew Marks, died. No matter how many years have gone or how many will go, this movie is my closest association with him.
When he taught film at Monroe High School, before School Without Walls and after, and in the days before Beta and VHS, he would borrow the projector and bring this movie, The Red Balloon (Le ballon rouge), home with him after showing it to his class. Movie night at our house was something bigger than running to the video store or clicking on a link on YouTube or Netflix.
Miss you, Dad, every day, but today especially.
Comments closedApril 14. Last day before taxes are due.
There’s tons of stuff out there still for Dubstep, but this is the last piece for now, for #365videos.
I’m hoping you’re enjoying these things I’ve found. The rest of April is a look back at other films (live or animated) that I’ve enjoyed over time, gathered together under YouTube. Buckle your seat belts. The rest of April’s gonna be an interesting stroll down memory lane, especially for anyone who remembers HBO back when it was still new.
And if you’re just coming to these, you can visit the playlists on my personal YouTube channel.
Comments closedWe return again to Nonstop, solo. Tomorrow ends our visit to Dubstep. Hope it’s been a good week!
Comments closedLindsey Stirling and Dubstep.
Comments closedMoving on to Dubstep dancers who are NOT Nonstop. Each one has a specialty. This is particularly well-produced, a movie microcosm. Dubstep Week continues.
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