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Tag: Puns

July 29: Kip Addotta ~ Wet Dream and Life in the Slaw Lane

And so we begin Dr. Demento Week. Not with “Weird Al” (though he will show up sometime later this week, he was only part of the overall Dr. D. experience), but with Kip Addotta, and two of my all-time favorite pun-filled pieces.

In 1986, when I moved to the DC area, I also attended my first World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon), in Atlanta, GA. A group of us drove to and from the con in convoy mode, with (I think) two CB radios for easy communication. One of us ran in front of the four-vehicle convoy, and the other brought up the rear.

The two radios (as I recall) belonged to me and my friend Marty Gear, who died suddenly a few weeks ago. Vampire and White Rabbit, Tan Van, and the fourth car, which I’ve since forgotten, were on the road some 14 hours straight from one point to the other.

On the way home, punchy from general lack of sleep and the late night, I recall engaging in (if not instigating) a fish-based pun war, thanks in part to Addotta’s work. I’ve since forgotten most of the events of that con, but not the drive home.

I have no idea how many truckers or other drivers were involved, but I do know it expanded well beyond our two radios. Kept us going for at least an hour on the road.

But enough for now. On with the show…


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July 28: Font Conference

Only a real font geek will get this. Or maybe not.

Viral video aside, this made me cry the first time I saw it. I hurt myself. Really.

And this seems a perfect segue between Unexpected Crossover Week and… Dr. Demento Week. Starting tomorrow. Be afraid.

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